Terms and conditions

General terms and conditions


The state of the vehicle at check-out and the General terms and conditions are considered a part of the Rental agreement.

MACK – M.A.C.K. d.o.o., situated on the following address: Frana Supila 5, 20000 Dubrovnik, Croatia, VAT ID: HR54622707977
Renter – person or legal entity who rents the vehicle or the person in whose name the vehicle is rented. That person or entity is called the “Renter” and as such is responsible to oblige according to all the clauses of the General terms and conditions as well as the Rental agreement.\
User – Renter, Driver and Additional Driver in the following text.
Rental agreement – individual rental agreement signed at check-out. The agreement permits the usage of the vehicle and defines the details concerning vehicle check-out, check-in, equipment, included services as well as the payment option. The agreement also includes information about the mileage, fuel levels, damages or shortcoming of the rented vehicle as well as other rights and obligations of the agreeing parties. All the information is confirmed and accepted by signature from both parties.


VOUCHER – please provide voucher, if you have a reservation, in print or on your device, to the M.A.C.K. representative for further processing.
CREDIT CARD – a valid credit card in the name of the main driver must be produced. Please note that you will be charged in local currency upon pick-up. Credit card will be used for security deposit.
DRIVERS LICENSE & ID – a valid driving license and passport or ID have to be presented upon car pick-up. An international drivers license is required if renters national driving license is not in Roman alphabet.


By signing the Rental agreement, the User agrees and accepts the following terms and obligations:

  • Authorized vehicle handling – the rented vehicle may only be driven by a Driver who possess a valid driver’s license for at least 2 years.
  • The vehicle may only be driven by the User – i.e. the people/entities listed on the Rental agreement.
  • Documents – MACK will provide the User with all the necessary vehicle documentation (registration certificate, third-party protection certificate andGreen Card). The User will be held fully responsible for the loss of any documentation.
  • The User agrees to use the rented vehicle only within the borders of the Republic of Croatia. If the User wishes to use the vehicle outside Croatia’s borders,it must be announced prior to leaving Croatia. We may charge you an additional fee, according to the official price list.
  • At the end of the rent, the User must return the vehicle at the place and time specified in the Rental agreement, in the same state as when the rent started– i.e. with all of its equipment, documentation and same fuel level. Any modifications on the vehicle are strictly prohibited.
  • Vehicles are rented on a daily basis according to the agreed rate, where one rental day is 24 hours from the time the Rental agreement started. After arental day expires, MACK has a grace period of 1 hour before a new day is charged.
  • The User is obligated to notify MACK of any changes regarding prolonging the rent or changing the return location at least 24 hours prior to check-in. If thevehicle is not returned at the agreed time and location, MACK reserves the right to notify the police of vehicle theft.
  • It is prohibited to use the rented vehicle: in any competitions, race or speed tests or on racing track, for towing of another vehicle or object, paid transferof goods or people or illegal activities. The vehicle can only be loaded up to it’s passenger and carry limit.
  • The User agrees to drive the vehicle only on public and paved roads. The User must oblige to the traffic regulations and traffic laws. Itis strictly prohibitedto drive under the influence of alcohol and drugs. The User also agrees to lock the vehicle, with all windows closed when leaving the vehicle, taking the

    vehicle keys and documentation and have them under their supervision.

  • The User agrees to pay for all expenses (fuel, parking, road tolls, bridge tolls, etc.) during the rent. If any parking or traffic offenses occur during the rent,the User agrees to pay for them. Any unpaid parking or traffic tickets which occurred during the User’s rent will be charged on the User’s credit card

    presented at check-out for the security deposit.

  • In case of malfunction, dashboard warning or any other problem with the rented vehicle, the User must notify MACK. If the vehicle is not roadworthy,MACK commits to replacing the vehicle as soon as possible, in a period no longer than 48 hours. With a MACK’s representative’s approval, the User may deliver or repair the vehicle at an official repair shop. The refund of repair expenses can be processed only once the official repair shop invoice and with the replaced parts are delivered to MACK. If any vehicle parts are replaced without a MACK’s representative’s approval or lost, the User may be charged a fee equal to the triple value of the replacedor lost part on the date of the check-in.

    In case of damage or any other malfunction on the rented vehicle, which are directly User’s fault or have occurred due to the User disregarding the clauses of the Rental agreement, the User must pay for the damages and any costs which may occur due to operational inability. In this case, MACK reserves the right not to provide a replacement car for the User and to terminate rental contract immediately with no refund.

  • The User is responsible for damages on the engine or propulsion system (caused by e.g. lack of motor oil, gear box oil, coolant fluid and similar engine fluids), as well as damages on the oil sump, clutch, undercarriage, car interior; loss or damage of car keys or licenseplates; damages caused due to filling in wrong fuel or any other damage caused due to User negligence. In all these cases, the User is obligated to compensate MACK for all the costs which include: the cost of repair of the vehicle, costs of rental days for every day the vehicle spent in the repair shop, but no more than 30 days, according to official price list and all other costs, which include towing expenses or loss of vehicle value.
  • MACK cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage which would occur due to disregarding the clauses in the Rental agreement.
  • Passenger protection – by paying a daily fee, charged according to the official price list, the User and all other passengers in the rented vehicle are insured for personal injuries or death, in amount specified in the third-party protection certificate. The passenger protectionis valid if the accident isn’tcaused by a third-party.
  • The damage excess amount is determined based on vehicle type and official price list.
  • Vehicle damage or theft – If the vehicle is stolen or damaged due to: the User’s negligence; the User being responsible for the damage or theft; the Userdisregarding any of the clauses in the Renal agreement, the User is held responsible.
  • Personal belongings – MACK cannot be held responsible for the loss of any personal belongings of the User and other passengers of the rented vehicle. Bysigning the Rental agreement, the User forfeits any demands for compensation of lost belongings.
  • The User agrees to return the vehicle to the nearest MACK office if requested by MACK. MACK reserve the right to request the User to return the vehicleto the nearest MACK office if any breaches of the Rental agreement are found.
  • MACK reserves the right to disclose User information to the authorities. MACK will not disclose User information to other third parties, as specified bythe government legislation


  • In case of a traffic accident or any new damage on the vehicle, the User is bound to inform the police and a MACK representative. The User must assist the police in their investigation of the accident.
  • In case of a traffic accident, the User commits to protect the interests of MACK and MACK protection partners by: writing down the names of the parties involved in the accidents; legibly filling in the European accident report (which is signed by all parties); photographing: the driver’s license, registration certificate, third-party protection certificate of all involved parties as well as all vehicles involved in the accident (with visible license plates). The User agrees to secure the vehicle before leaving it.
  • In case the User does not provide a police report, accident statement or police alcohol test, all the costs of repairing or compensation for the theft of the vehicle will be charged to the User including costs of rental days for every day the vehicle spent in the repair shop, but no more than 30 days, according to official price list, no matter which party was responsible for the accident or if the User has protection services (CDW or SCDW).
  • In case the User is the responsible party in the accident, the User is held responsible for the costs of a replacement vehicle and towing service. If necessary, the User will be supplied a replacement vehicle, for a fee according to a valid price list. In case the User is not the responsible party in the accident, MACK will supply a replacement vehicle within 48 hours and organize the towing of the damaged vehicle.


Basic protection (CDW) and Super Collision Damage Waiver (SCDW) do not cover damages on: tires, rims, undercarriage, car glass,gear box, clutch, vehicle interior; damages caused by: filling in the wrong fuel, negligent driving, driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, passing through a red light or when driven by an unauthorized driver. CDW and SCDW do not cover damages which occur abroad, without MACK’s permission to leave the country added to the contract.

Basic protection (CDW) and Super Collision Damage Waiver (SCDW) do not cover costs which occur due to: lost or damaged vehicledocumentation, car keys or license plates as well as any damages which were not reported to the police and MACK representative or for which the User did not supply a police alcohol report.


If the Rental agreement is filled in and the rent started (i.e. the service was supplied to the User), the User does not have the right to cancel the Rental agreement.

MACK reserves the right to cancel the contract unilaterally at any point of rental, previous notification of the client by email or phone is necessary at least 6 hours in advance.

If the User returns the vehicle before the time agreed to in the Rental agreement, the costs are calculated according to the terms agreed on in the Rental agreement regardless of changes made after the Rental agreement was agreed to or shortened rental period. If the User uses the rented vehicle, even after the rental period ended, MACK reserves the right to charge the rent until the vehicle was returned, as well as the late return fee, according to the official price list.

The User is considered the responsible party for any traffic accidents or offenses which occurred during the rental period. In case the User does not pay the fines for these offenses, MACK will charge them to the User, alongside with the administrative fee. MACK reserves the right to charge the costs without notifying the User. State taxes and similar non-MACK related fees will be charged according to the current government legislation.
For reservations in low season (01.01. – 14.06. & 01.10. – 31.12.) , unless explicitly stated differently on the reservation voucher: free cancellation until 48 hours before scheduled pick up. If reservation is cancelled within 48 hours before pick up, you will be charged 10% of full price.

For reservations in high season (15.06. – 30.09.) , unless explicitly stated differently on the reservation voucher: free cancellation until 7 days before pick up. If reservation is cancelled within 7 days before pick up, you will be charged 10% of full price.
GRACE PERIOD – Reservations will be held for one (1) hour past the reserved pick-up time or flight/train arrival time; except if you contact us to change arrival time or if carrier/operator issues a delay info (if flight/train number is provided). One (1) hour after the reserved pick-up time the reserved vehicle will be made available for other customers. If you arrive at the location more than one (1) hour after reserved pick-up time, we will try to provide a vehicle for you, however, availability cannot be guaranteed. In case of a flight/train delay whereby the new arrival time is outside the pick-up location opening hours, the location will remain open if the correct flight/train number is provided in the reservation and the carrier or operator has notified the delay and new arrival time. Out of hours fee will be charged according to the active price list.


Additional services, fees and costs which are charged separately, according to the General terms and conditions, Rental agreement and official MACK price lists are not included in the rental price.
The price of the rent, additional services, fees and costs are susceptible to change according to MACK business decisions, changes in taxation or legislation. If the User uses the rented vehicle abroad, without notifying MACK at check-out, a fee will be charged according to the official price list.

By signing the Rental agreement, the User accepts they are responsible for all the charges detailed in the Rental agreement.


Minimum rental age is 21 years.
A Young Driver fee per day applies to drivers aged between 21-24 years.

Maximum rental age is 90 years.
A Senior Driver fee per day applies to drivers aged between 70-90 years.

The driving licence must have been issued at least 2 years before the date of the commencement of the rental


A cross border fee is not included in the basic rate and it’s payable upon pick up according to the current price list. Cross border rentals are allowed only to neighboring countries to Croatia (Montenegro, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Serbia, Hungary, Slovenia and Italy), other countries on previous written agreement. Cross border is not allowed into: Kosovo, Albania, Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, Russia & former USSR countries, Turkey, Syria or any other country that is not specifically stated as allowed in the above text.


SAME TO SAME – You have to return the vehicle with same fuel amount as it was supplied to you at the time of pickup. Otherwise, missing fuel will be charged in addition to a refueling fee according to the active price list.
Please note: for using the wrong fuel type, a minimum charge of 400 € + tax will apply.


The User is obligated to report any discontent to a MACK representative during the rent or at latest during check-in. The User may submit their complaints on the service to the following e-mail address: customer-service@rent-a-car.hr

1) The User is obligated to report any discontent to a MACK representative during the rent or at latest during check-in.
2) The user may submit their complaints on email: customer-service@rent-a-car.hr
We will reply to any complaints within 15 days in writing. We ask you to supply a valid e-mail address for the reply.


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